At the heart of a battle between competing ecologies
On May 9, 2022, Pierre Bouilhol, as part of his CIFRE thesis at ANMA, published an article in the 17th issue of Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale urbaine et paysagère .
His article, entitled Des architectes urbanistes au cœur d’une lutte entre écologies concurrents (Urban architects at the heart of a struggle between competing ecologies), looks at the rise of the “Quartier libre des Lentillères” collective movement in Dijon, in opposition to the “Écocité Jardin des Maraîchers” urban project designed by the agency from 2011.
While Pierre Bouilhol’s article extends the analyses already devoted to the “Lentillères free district”, its originality lies above all in its treatment of the controversies surrounding the Dijon eco-neighborhood from a hitherto little-addressed point of view: that of the urban planning architects in charge of its project management.