prepare annecyfor 2050 For one year, three teams composed of architects, urban planners, landscape architects, and environmental and mobility experts guided the residents of Annecy in a prospective process around nine emblematic sites that are representative of...
sports complexof the high school to come Designed for the Agence d’Enseignement du Français à l’Étranger and open to students in early 2022, this sports complex is located at one end of the Beaulieu site, a large empty parcel in the heart of a...
Public spacesintimate spaces This collective housing project consists of 4 buildings arranged on the southern alignment of lot 1 of the joint development area Clos du Bourg in Olivet, developed by the SEMDO and designed by Devillers & Associés. These 60...
EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPWITH MARTEL SCHOOL On February 9 and 16, 2022, the ANMA Corporate Foundation welcomed two CM1 classes from the Martel school to introduce them to the making of urban landscapes. The agency’s employees offered them 4 fun workshops:...
LA FRESQUE DU CLIMATto the Petites Écuries On January 26, 2022, the Fresque du Climat association invited itself to the ANMA Corporate Foundation for a workshop on the challenges of climate change. Renaud Bonnel, co-founder of the Fresque de la Construction and...
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