
Accompagner le renouveau d’un secteur industriel   Stratégique pour Clermont-Ferrand, le renouvellement de la plaque industrielle de Cataroux de 80 ha, site historique des usines Miche­lin, permettra de reconstituer cet entre-deux ville en laissant une...


ROOF BEEHIVES ANMA TERRACES, PARIS   2 hives are installed on the roofs of Paris, at 9 cour des Petites Écuries. Home to around 100,000 bees, they participate in pollination, which is essential for maintaining the natural balance. The purpose of this installation...

Vegetable garden

SHARED URBAN GARDENANMA TERRACES, Paris   The shared urban vegetable garden, a new form of agriculture, has a social and educational vocation. This project aims to raise awareness of agriculture and the importance of biodiversity through training and...

Anmagazine #4

NEW LEADERSHIP, SAME VALUES   For the fourth issue, the floor is given to the new partners. In turn, each discusses one of the agency’s values, illustrating it with its flagship projects. Click here to read Anmagazine # 4 AUTHORANMA EDITINGFrench and...

Campus Artem

A DISTINCT CAMPUS   Replacing the old urban wastelands of the Molitor-Manutention barracks, the Artem campus is one of the rare French campuses of excellence. This large-scale project addresses a real need for education and knowledge sharing. This campus manages...