theater, conservatory and café The program of the cultural center of the Piscine brings together three distinct entities: the theater, the music and dance conservatory and the “café musique”. The project, which combines the rehabilitation of...
sloping andpartially buried Placed like a large landscape that softens the surrounding built environment, the Children’s House is designed as a succession of small inhabited hills. Voluntarily spread out in the built context, the project rolls out...
triangular volume internal transparency The Caen courthouse project was developed as part of a Public-Private Partnership competition in three selection phases. The site of the building, at the tip of the peninsula, is bordered by a park and faces the OMA Media...
two shared gaedenswith their own climate The building is part of an urban redevelopment project, on a block located in the Bassins à Flots area, in Bordeaux. The general objective of the project is to recompose a mixed block – Achard Blanqui Étrangers...
respectful presence The new FBS Clermont-Ferrand campus forms a continuity with the existing landscape, it takes shape on the site of Avenue de la République, as if it had always been there. The buildings are placed parallel to the new tram track, in the...
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