
Accompagner le renouveau d’un secteur industriel   Stratégique pour Clermont-Ferrand, le renouvellement de la plaque industrielle de Cataroux de 80 ha, site historique des usines Miche­lin, permettra de reconstituer cet entre-deux ville en laissant une...

Gratte-Ciel housing

rhythmic repair mixed programming   On the joint devlelopment zone des Gratte-Ciel in Villeurbanne, where ANMA has officiated as an urban planner since 2019, the agency is also the coordinating architect of a macro-lot and project manager associated with the DND...

Coteaux joint development area

A SITE WITH A STRONGTOPOGRAPHY   The town of Ormesson-sur-Marne, located 20km in the south-east of Paris, is part of the agglomeration community of Grand Paris Sud-Est Avenir, in the Val-de-Marne department. It is located on a sloping ground bounded in the...

Plaine des Cantoux joint development area

A NEIGHBORHOOD”ZERO STRESS” Located in the town of Ormesson-sur-Marne, 20 km from Paris, the Plaine des Cantoux joint development area project covers an area of 3 ha between the Maillarde sector in the north-west, the Golf in the south-east, near the...

La Maillerie

converting an old business site   The site is located within a vast industrial reconversion area of 120 ha, strategic for the Lille metropolis. The Plan Bleu carried by the European Metropolis of Lille (MEL) defined the main orientations aiming at the partial...