La Maillerie

converting an old business site   The site is located within a vast industrial reconversion area of 120 ha, strategic for the Lille metropolis. The Plan Bleu carried by the European Metropolis of Lille (MEL) defined the main orientations aiming at the partial...

Marianne République

a future metropolitan park   The CAZ République in the Port-Marianne district is developing a new way of living adapted to the Mediterranean climate, while being attractive, innovative and concerned with sustainable environmental ambitions. The 21-ha site is one...

Arras Europe

REINTRODUCING THE INDIVIDUAL HOUSING   Radical transformation of a 28-hectare district that had been dormant for years was the challenge taken up by ANMA at the southern gates of Lille scarred by the town planning in the 60s and 70s, the Faubourg d’Arras...

Quartier des Maraîchers

an outstanding neighborhood ecologically wise   The Grand-Est district aims to translate the urban and environmental ambition of the city of Dijon and Dijon Métropole. It is located at the south-eastern entrance to the city and includes the sites of the...

Beauséjour City Centrality

housing, shops, offices and facility     On a site with a continuous 8% slope forming part of a disparate urban fabric, the project consists of a mixed program of housing, shops in the ground floorr, offices and facilities. It is bordered to the north and...