
ARCHITECTURE TODAY   As an urban architect, Nicolas Michelin writes about the role of the architect facing the major challenges of today’s society. In tune with current events – crisis in the suburbs, sustainable development – but also with the...

L’urbanisme négocié

A CASE STUDY FOR NEGOTIATED URBAN PLANNING   The Bassins à Flot, one of Bordeaux’s industrial rights-of-way, is the subject of a large-scale urban project. As part of a project and idea negotiation workshop, architects and town planners meet in order to...

Campus Artem

A DISTINCT CAMPUS   Replacing the old urban wastelands of the Molitor-Manutention barracks, the Artem campus is one of the rare French campuses of excellence. This large-scale project addresses a real need for education and knowledge sharing. This campus manages...

Habiter ZEN

A PIONEERING AND DISTINGUISHABLE BUILDING   Resulting from a common desire to invest in an ecological technological future in favor of renewable energies and energy autonomy, the Maison de l’Île-de-France designed by ANMA and financed by the Île-de-France...

Halle Boca

TO PRESERVE THE EXISTING TO EXTEND HISTORY   ANMA intervened on the right-of-way of the Halle Débat Ponsan (slaughterhouse hall) of which a third of the 275 m long was demolished. The first block concerns the renovation of the reinforced concrete enclosure de...