Vegetable garden

SHARED URBAN GARDENANMA TERRACES, Paris   The shared urban vegetable garden, a new form of agriculture, has a social and educational vocation. This project aims to raise awareness of agriculture and the importance of biodiversity through training and...

Boulevard Circulaire

anticipate evolutionof a major urban axis   The project consists of carrying out a master plan and the preliminary studies necessary for the integration of Boulevard Circulaire into a coherent whole between the business district of La Défense and the cities of...

Quartier Gare

renewal of public spaces and to densifywasteland   At the inter-municipal level, the district of Mantes-la-Jolie station is a key area of articulation of the different districts of Mantes-la-Jolie, Buchelay and Mantes-la-Ville, on both sides of the railways. It...

Lille Ville Intense

UNE RÉFLEXION GLOBALE POUR LA MÉTROPOLE   ANMA a accompagné la Métropole Européenne de Lille dans le cadre d’un marché à bons de commande, visant à réaliser des études dites « préalables » sur des sites à enjeux d’urbanisation, qu’ils soient en extension ou en...

Joint development area Écocité

Between the quays and the avenue de Paris   The new Ecocité district in Bobigny is one of the thinnest ZACs in France: a strip 80m wide by 3km long, nestled between the Ourcq Canal and the former RN3, which has now become the Avenue de Paris. For Sequano,...