Lille Ville Intense

UNE RÉFLEXION GLOBALE POUR LA MÉTROPOLE   ANMA a accompagné la Métropole Européenne de Lille dans le cadre d’un marché à bons de commande, visant à réaliser des études dites « préalables » sur des sites à enjeux d’urbanisation, qu’ils soient en extension ou en...

Joint development area Écocité

Between the quays and the avenue de Paris   The new Ecocité district in Bobigny is one of the thinnest ZACs in France: a strip 80m wide by 3km long, nestled between the Ourcq Canal and the former RN3, which has now become the Avenue de Paris. For Sequano,...

Vauban District

A NEIGHBORHOOD IN A PARK   Part of an urban restructuring led by ANMA, the Vauban-Neppert district accommodates 150 housing units of this operation which aims to make the Neppert square a major facility. These housings are available in a double typology, they...

Old Station District

a strong architectural heritage   At the gates of the Oise-Pays de France regional natural park, the eco-district project of the Senlis old train station reuses the space while it is integrated into the remarkable local landscape fabric. It participates to an...


an ultra-contextual urban vision   The team chooses a rehabilitation in the continuity of the history of the site, that of art and industry. The 15,900 m² wasteland at the entrance to the town, formerly occupied by the metallurgist Gaury and then the “Projet 244”...