Between the quays
and the avenue de Paris
The new Ecocité district in Bobigny is one of the thinnest joint development areas in France: a strip 80m wide by 3km long, nestled between the Ourcq Canal and the former RN3, which has now become the Avenue de Paris.
For Sequano, according to high densities of circumstance for the sector, and a mixed program of housing and productive activities, the new guide plan follows the first orientations of the Devillers & Associates agency, while proposing a contextual urbanity rethought.

old plots of land
of market gardening
This territory is made up of former market gardening plots planted at an angle on sloping hillsides, dating back to before the arrival of the station and to which large warehouses still bear witness today.
ANMA, as a testimony to the site and its history, and to reinforce the operationality of the project, conceived a district made up of a succession of open blocks, implanted according to the historical parcelling of the activities, then also serving as a guide for their breakthrough by large pedestrian crossings between the rue de Paris and the canal of the Ourcq.
Architectural design: Fresh Architectures
Bridge builder: Devillers & Associés

a new district
turned towards water
The urban project allows for the requalification of these disused riverbanks by re-addressing the city towards its quays. It extends the great stroll along the banks of the Ourcq Canal and connects the city to the water.
The transformation of this immense industrial site into a new piece of porous and active city will allow its inhabitants to regain access to the water.
Hereinafter :
Foreground: Babin + Renaud

of the walk
in the public space
The project gives pride of place to the promenade, to wide public spaces, to pedestrian paths and to numerous openings: fine perpendicular paths as a remnant of the first guide plan, wide diagonal crossings 30m wide and private vegetated courtyards in the heart of the block.
The vegetation of the quay is ensured by a landscaped aquatic space, a cariçaie which runs in front of the whole district, contributing as much for its rainwater treatment capacities as for its aesthetics for the walkers.
Hereinafter :
MO public space: Inuits

a new skyline
on the canal of the ourcq
The composition of this new urban facade, from the lowest point on the canal to the highest point on Avenue de Paris, offers views to all the inhabitants and presents a new homogeneous building frontage on the entire ZAC.
On the Ourcq canal, it is treated in line: all the buildings are ordered according to fixed heights and modenatures and are set back for a dialogue with the water element.
On the rue de Paris side, a linear façade is completed by stepped arms towards the heart of the block.
Hereinafter :
Architectural design: Leclercq & Associés

Urban planning architect : ANMA
Landscaping : Inuit
Design office : OTCI
Sustainable development : Inddigo
Paola Marroquin
Ksenia Tolkacheva

STATUSOperational phase
Feasibility studies of the joint development area
Operational follow-up
Urban study on the coherence of the Plaine de l’Ourcq
CALENDAR 2017-2025
Urban coherence: 120 ha
Joint development area : 20 ha
SP : 305,000 m².
Bordeaux, Bassins à Flot
Reims, Banks of the Canal
Saint-André-lez-Lille, Quai 22