respectful presence
The new FBS Clermont-Ferrand campus forms a continuity with the existing landscape, it takes shape on the site of Avenue de la République, as if it had always been there. The buildings are placed parallel to the new tram track, in the direction of the Marcel Michelin stadium stands and buildings.
The idea is not to contradict the directions of the site, not to create an imposing ostentatious effect. On the contrary, it is a matter of creating a modern and dynamic architecture, without clashing with the roots and tradition of this site; of asserting a contemporary presence without marking a break in the landscape. Thus the existing church and the large trees in the entrance garden are preserved and perfectly integrated into the fabric of the campus.

a rotunda
as a showcase
The campus opens onto the “République / Tramway” junction with a rotunda which marks this new urban articulation, forming a welcoming signal at the neighborhood level. The rotunda is open to the public and extends, so to speak, the space of the crossroads, thus creating a place devoted to residents. This rotunda is the showcase for the public, it is also a place of meeting, catering and debates.
The campus also blends into the wider landscape with its characteristic outline. Composed of rounded shapes, designed for natural ventilation (cones), the campus roof is like an identifiable topography from afar, a kind of soft and unusual signature in the Clermont-Ferrand landscape, not unlike the Michelin tracks.
new world new school
The campus is designed as a “white” structure that can be adapted and transformed at will. A structure that can accommodate all teaching methods. However, creating a structure that was only technical, neutral and cold, was not what we wanted. To encourage its appropriation, we have designed a building that creates tailor-made atmosphere, envelope and spatiality. This easy-to-invest structure is made up of three elements: the rotunda – entrance, reception and exchange platform -, the Agora – a flexible distribution and coworking nave -, connected buildings – spaces in floors, supports one adjusts to programmatic needs.
To create a different campus, we offer a bold design process that involves future users’ participation throughout the project. We don’t believe it possible to plan the uses beforehand. It is therefore imperative to set up exchange mechanisms (workshops, prefiguration events) to develop and perfect the spatialities necessary for collaborative teaching methods.

connecting place
appropriable space
The Campus is environmental both inside and out. It combines nature and built thanks to the principle of “central nave / connected buildings”, which allows elements of nature with trees to be placed in the ground. These landscapes interact with the buildings, soften the light and offer outdoor spaces for relaxation and work. Inside, the agora is an inter-climatic element that operates with natural ventilation. The two large cones provide overhead light and allow comfortable and efficient ventilation to living spaces.
The general atmosphere of the building is white inside and out, but pearly white make the light vibrant. The facades of the floors are covered with a white striped perforated metal skin reflecting the light in a very fuctuating way while filtering it ibefore the windows. These protections can also be opened when needed. Only the removable elements, movable walls, curtains, screens, and furniture are colored. The Agora is a large nave formed by a succession of more or less high volumes, equipped with walkways and stairs.

Architect: ANMA
Associate architect: Atelier 4
HQE: CSD Conseil
Structure: Batiserf
Fluides: Louis Choulet
Economy: Eiffage Construction
Health: Medieco
Fluids: Louis Choulet
Co-working: Francesco Cingolani
Innovative pedagogy: Ariadna Ayala Rubio
Hélène Galifer
Emmanuel Vinet
Jehanne Bouda
Jean Chevalier
Philippine d’Avout
Marion Gardier
Landscape: Jérome Touzé
STATUS Competition and practicalities
CCI du Puys de Dôme
France Business School
YEAR 2014
SURFACE 14 300 m² SP
COST 24,9 M€ HT
Alès, École des Mines
Lorient, ENSI Bretagne-Sud
Nancy, Institut Jean Lamour