railway wastelands
This project is part of an urban reflection perimeter of 102 ha around the station district. Since 2011, ANMA has been developing specific studies on a 32-ha site and has been pursuing since 2013, as chief town planner of the CAZ Lorient Odyssée, a complete redevelopment project of the former railway wasteland and adjoining sectors.
The agency is proposing five major actions to structure the CAZ, to give it a strong and central identity, a true heart of agglomeration. This vision, or this guide plan, is based on multidisciplinary work between the fields of town planning, landscape, social, history, ecology and travel.

5 axis of development
- A citizen axis connects the city center to the new district by upgraded boulevards and a new crossing,
- A network of green streets runs through the Quartier-Jardin de l’Eau Courante, which is slightly denser. The network extends to the tracks, thus creating seven blocks, each with a signaling building: the seven lighthouses of Lorient,
- On the other side of the railway tracks, blocks form planted terraces and offer accommodation open to the south. The old train station square has been transformed into a spice garden,
- Continuous planted area run along the railways link the Scorff and the Manio. These links thus participate in the constitution of a green network on the scale of the agglomeration
- An artistic device highlights both the seven lighthouses and emblematic buildings of the city such as the large housing bars that punctuate the site.

an evolving guide plan
The guide plane fixes the invariants but it also evokes possibilities, sometimes explicitly drawn, to offer an imaginary now, although the architecture is not yet there. This plan is therefore to be taken as such, a possible and not a fixed project. The illustrations must be considered as visions that do not freeze things but evoke paths to be taken for the continuation of the already rich history of Lorient.
Ultimately, the Lorient Odyssée district plans to build 28,000 m² of retail and business, 32,000 m² of offices and 42,000 m² of housing, 20% of which will be social with Lorient Habitat, Espacil and Logis Breton.
The first two “Phare Cosmao-Parvis” blocks, where ANMA is also acting as prime contractor, will be delivered in 2021.
Architect : ANMA
VRD : Infraservices
HQE : Inddigo
Lighting design : Luminocité
Thomas Hermann
Nicolas Saugère
STATUSOperational phase
YEAR 2021
SURFACE Site 16 ha – 102 000 m² SP
Angers, Cour Saint-Laud
Senlis, Écoquartier de l’Ancienne Gare
Montpellier, Marianne République