mixed block on the CAZ station district
The Cosmao Lighthouse operation is part of the development of the Quartier de la Gare joint developement area. It consists of the construction of the first two blocks comprising 111 housing units, private parking, public parking, activities, offices and, at the bow on the new square, a hotel restaurant.
The project is located in an urban context of buildings from the reconstruction era of the 1950s, buildings with double slope roofs in closed blocks and buildings of modern inspiration with terraced roofs or garden roofs in open blocks.

from the lighthouses
, a view of the harbor
The new district of Lorient station is an opportunity to conceive the city differently and to offer new ways of living by equipping it with mixed blocks. North of Boulevard Cosmao Dumanoir, they combine activities on the ground floor, then social rental housing or social home ownership and offices on the upper floors. The car parks are integrated behind the commercial ground floors, thus reducing the carbon footprint.
Within each block, a R + 12 building combines offices and free-access housing. These mixed-use buildings offer a diversity of writing in a controlled urban silhouette. Designed as urban lighthouses, they recall the maritime character of Lorient by offering new inhabitants an exceptional view of the harbor.

double aspect flat
Double orientation
The diversity of the program allows a wide variety of volumes and makes the the project exciting. To deal with this diversity, a simple rhythm is given to the facades which harmonize the whole: the frame is most often vertical, and highlights each program. The chosen material is mainly concrete, available in different colors and finishes, thus ensuring an integration in line with the architecture of the reconstruction.
The design of the housing programs is in line with the general spirit of the urban project. The quality of these is established on the principle of a through or double orientation configuration, in order to offer pleasant, bright accommodation with various types. Thus, each accommodation of more than 50 m² is double aspect or double orientation: the quality of the views is privileged and enriches the relationship of the accommodation with its immediate environment.

Architect : ANMA
Electricity, fluides : I2C
Structure : Sertco
Acoustic : Peutz & Associés
Coordinator SPS, control office : Qualiconsult
Emmanuel Vinet
Hélène Dupont
Pauline Barraud
Clémentine de Sorbay
Pauline Barraud
Clémentine de Sorbay
François Taroni
Nils Edelmann
Estelle Bedu

STATUS Under construction
ADIM Développement Immobilier Ouest
SURFACE 14 460 m² SP
Angers, Ilot Mixte Gare Sud
Amiens, Ilot Mixte Gare la Vallée
Lorient, Lorient Odyssée